Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nhập viện vì nghiện... phim sex!

Tuổi vị thành niên (VTN) phạm tội, đặc biệt là hiếp dâm, lạm dụng tình dục trẻ em thời gian gần đây tăng đáng báo động. Những vụ án liên quan đến hành vi hiếp dâm với mức độ ngày càng nghiêm trọng, đối tượng trước khi gây án đều có thời gian tiếp xúc nhiều với dòng phim khiêu dâm. Mặt khác, không ít trường hợp phải nhập viện do nghiện “phim đen”! Dư luận đặt ra câu hỏi về công tác quản lý của các ban ngành chức năng đối với những phim bị cấm này? Thực tế để sở hữu một bộ “phim đen” ngay cả đối với trẻ em cũng dễ như mua… kẹo! 


Nhiều DVD, VCD thuộc thể loại “phim đen” được trà trộn trong các quầy bán băng đĩa vỉa hè.          Ảnh: BM


“Phim đen” từ nhà ra ngõ!

Với tốc độ phổ cập internet như hiện nay, hầu hết các gia đình đều có một máy tính để bàn có truy cập internet. Tuy nhiên, không phải gia đình nào cũng có ý thức kiểm soát con em mình. Vì thế, trẻ VTN cũng dễ dàng truy cập vào không gian mạng, vào những trang web chứa nội dung đồi trụy. Chị Nguyễn Thu H. tâm sự: “Do cả hai vợ chồng đều bận đi công tác xa, con trai chị đang học lớp 8, ở với bà nội. Để cháu đỡ buồn khi vắng bố mẹ, chúng tôi cho phép cháu vào internet ở nhà. Quả thật khi đó chúng tôi không thể biết cháu vào trang mạng nào. Chỉ đến khi thanh toán hóa đơn tiền cước phí truy cập, hai vợ chồng mới tá hỏa khi các trang được truy cập nhiều nhất là... phim sex. Hai vợ chồng hiểu vấn đề nên đã cắt dịch vụ này”. Tuy nhiên, chị H. cũng phải thừa nhận, cũng khó thể kiểm soát được khi cháu ra ngoài kể cả lúc đi học...


Nếu không kiểm soát tốt, khi vào mạng internet trẻ dễ bị “lạc” vào các trang web “đen”.


“Phim đen” không chỉ tràn lan trên các trang mạng, không thể kiểm soát mà ngay cả những bộ phim đồi trụy khi được in ra các đĩa CD, VCD, DVD cũng được bày bán công khai tại các cửa hàng băng đĩa hình. Đặc biệt những người bán đĩa dạo tại các quán cà phê, trà đá, bến xe, trong công viên đều không ngần ngại rao bán những đĩa CD, VCD, DVD  có nội dung “khiêu dâm” khi khách có nhu cầu. Giá đĩa chỉ dao động từ khoảng 10.000 - 15.000đồng/đĩa với đầy đủ các dòng phim sex của Thái, Hàn Quốc, châu Âu... Một người bán dạo băng đĩa trên phố Kim Mã chia sẻ: “Bọn em mang tiếng là đi rao bán đĩa ca nhạc nhưng thu nhập chính là bán băng đĩa sex. Đặc biệt khi có những clip sex của các cô cậu học sinh bị phát tán trên mạng, sau đó in ra đĩa bán chạy lắm!”. Khi được hỏi không sợ bị công an bắt à? Chị này trả lời: “Cũng có nhưng cùng lắm chỉ bị tịch thu đĩa, nhắc nhở”. Theo tìm hiểu của phóng viên, công nghệ in sang đĩa lậu hiện nay rất đơn giản. Chỉ cần một máy tính có gắn chừng 3-4 CD-R là dân in lậu có thể hành nghề thoải mái, nhãn mác thì lấy từ internet, tự vẽ rồi đem đi in, những bộ phim có tính khiêu dâm được in sao nhiều nhất.

Và chứng nghiện tình dục

Xem, tiếp xúc với văn hóa phẩm đồi trụy nhiều không đơn thuần là làm biến dạng nhân cách của người truy cập mà nó còn được cho là tác nhân của một dạng bệnh tâm thần nguy hiểm cho xã hội - chứng nghiện tình dục. Nhắc đến chuyện cuồng yêu, bạo dâm hay những câu chuyện về cai nghiện tình dục, TS.BSCC. Tô Thanh Phương - Trưởng khoa 6 (Bệnh viện Tâm thần Trung ương I) nhớ ngay đến trường hợp bệnh nhân N.T.T., sinh năm 1982, đang là giáo viên dạy toán trung học cơ sở - nạn nhân của chứng cuồng yêu đã được gia đình cho nhập viện tâm thần. BS. Phương cũng cho biết thêm: “Chuyện cuồng yêu, yêu thô bạo giờ không còn là chuyện hiếm. Đây cũng được coi là một chứng bệnh tâm lý rất khó cai nghiện được. Do đó, nếu gia đình nào có những trường hợp tương tự nên đưa con em đến viện thăm khám sớm nhằm tránh gây trạng thái tâm lý đáng tiếc hay tâm thần nặng khác”.

Mới đây, tại xã Hòa Đông, huyện Vĩnh Châu, tỉnh Sóc Trăng, Lê Phi H., 20 tuổi, đã giở trò dâm ô với một cháu bé 12 tuổi. Khi H. đi làm mướn về thấy T. ở nhà một mình nên nảy sinh ý đồ hiếp dâm. Sau đó, H. bị công an bắt giữ. Tại Phòng Giám định của BV Tâm thần Trung ương II, các bác sĩ cho biết, H. bị lệch lạc tình dục với hội chứng loạn dục với trẻ em ở người tâm thần chậm phát triển. Theo BSCKII. Nguyễn Văn Cầu - Phó Giám đốc BV Tâm thần Trung ương II, lệch lạc tình dục là một dạng của những dạng lệch lạc tình dục như: loạn dục bạo dâm, khổ dâm, loạn dục giả trang khác giới, loạn dục với xác chết, loạn dục với thú vật, trẻ em... Cũng theo BS. Cầu, nguyên nhân gây nên tình trạng lệch lạc tình dục thường do rối loạn quá trình phát triển tâm lý trong thời thơ ấu hay trẻ từng bị lạm dụng tình dục hoặc bắt chước hành vi lệch lạc này từ người lớn, từ phim ảnh đồi trụy.


Tư vấn về sức khỏe sinh sản vị thành niên tại Trung tâm phát triển cộng đồng Ánh Sàng (ảnh chỉ mang tính chất minh họa). Ảnh: M. Ninh


Còn BS. Lê Quốc Nam - Phòng khám Tâm lý y khoa - Tâm thần kinh Quốc Nam, cho biết: Các hành vi lệch lạc tình dục có thể điều trị khỏi. Ngoài điều trị bằng liệu pháp tâm lý còn có thể điều trị phối hợp với thuốc khi cần thiết. Với liệu pháp phân tâm, thầy thuốc sẽ giúp người bệnh nhận thức được những sự kiện nào gây kích thích, tác động khiến họ thực hiện các xung động. Các liệu pháp hành vi cũng giúp đương sự cắt đứt các hành vi lệch lạc tình dục. Ngoài ra, thầy thuốc dùng thêm các loại thuốc chống loạn thần và chống trầm cảm để điều trị bệnh lý tâm thần kết hợp như tâm thần phân liệt, rối loạn trầm cảm hoặc các thuốc chống lại tình trạng gia tăng hoạt động tình dục quá mức, vượt quá khả năng kiểm soát của người bệnh.

Hỏa Long

Monday, October 8, 2012

Watch Heat 1995 online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch Heat 1995 online. Movie review!

Watch Heat 1995 online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch Heat 1995 online. Movie review!

When Al Pacino and Robert De Niro face off against each other, it napecheno. Demonstrate their mastery of the "Last of the Mohicans, Michael Mann moisture all his skill in this crime saga.

Bal Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore and Ashley Judd are among the memorable supporting players in the story of a brilliant Los Angeles cop (Al Pacino), which is starting on the trail of armed robbery, found gang led by an equally brilliant thief (Robert De Niro).
"Heat" exceeds expectations of the crime genre and ranks among the film masterpieces of the twentieth century.

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I am glad to tell you a bit of an incredible classic film, proven best possible cast for these times. This is a masterpiece in cinema, which has and will have its place of honor in all the charts related to the cinema, even after so many years. Can we compare films like The Godfather, "" Devil's Advocate "or" The Good, the Bad and the Uglyimitatsiy those which overwhelmed us every day? You alone know the answer, and now have come to a movie, not worse than these. Have a unique opportunity to watch this movie now, absolutely free by clicking on any of the links and enjoy the magic of classic cinema. This is a film that was viewed millions of times and has at least fans who would rather tell you about it because he still enjoys immense popularity of young i.. not so young, but even after years will remain one of the hits of gold film.

Director: Michael Mann

Cast: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Ashley Judd, Amy Brenaman, Natalie Portman and other

Country: USA

Year: 1995

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Watch 12 Angry Men online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch 12 Angry Men online. Movie review!

Watch 12 Angry Men online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch 12 Angry Men online. Movie review!

Jurors ready to vote "guilty" for the accused of murder, are convinced of the contrary by a single doubt be among them.

Watch 12 Angry Men online free now!

Happy to present you one of the masterpieces of classical cinema, which will remain in the minds of millions of people. This film is one of best films ever made and deserves an honorable place in all Top ratings. Undoubtedly unique products with irreplaceable cast
and perfect team of writers, producers, directors, etc. Making equipment is high, and almost all the remarkable scenes in it have played professionally by people who truly understand their work. For many people this film will remain in their minds as one of the best works of art if I may call it and they never get tired to watch it again and again. Today you have the unique opportunity to watch this movie for free by clicking on any of the links. Remember that classic films and more precisely one of them proved themselves over time as a smash hit in the cinema will continue to watch for many years and will remember more than 90% of the movies that come out every day.

Director: Sydney Lyumet

Cast: Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee Cobb, Marshall, Jack Klugman, Ed Bins, Jack Ward

Budget: $ 350,000

Awards and Nominations:

Nominated for 3 Oscars

Another 12 awards and six nominations

Country: USA

Year: 1957

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Watch Braveheart 1995 online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch Braveheart 1994 online. Movie review!

Watch Braveheart 1995 online movie for free. Megavideo streaming movie on HD, HQ watch Braveheart 1995 online. Movie review!

Mel Gibson plays the title role and directed an epic saga about a Scottish fight for independence in the XIII century.

Wife of William Wallace (Mel Gibson) is brutally murdered by English soldiers.
His personal revenge gradually turns into a crusade against England aiming to win the freedom of his people, and legends of his extraordinary courage inspire Scots to wage war against their English oppressors.

"Braveheart" tells an inspiring story filled with passion, betrayal and the immense courage - a true achievement in the history of film art

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Even after years to say this film will be viewed because it is part of the best movies ever made and deserves the attention of the viewer and place top rankings in all related movies.
Excellent voice acting, selected stock of good professionals who have got this film to do so and to acquire its deserved popularity. Today you have a unique opportunity to watch this movie online now by clicking any of the links and enjoy the magic of cinema recreated in a perfect manner. I watched at least 5 times and burning with desire to watch it again because it rarely occurs especially nowadays something better and better from this movie. If you decide to lose less time watching something worthwhile, believe me, this is your movie! If you've already seen it will remember something unforgettable!

Director: Mel Gibson

Cast: Mel Gibson, Patrick Makguan, Angus Macfadyen, Catherine McCormack and other

Country: USA

Year: 1995

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Sunday, October 7, 2012


Are you competent to play a blue beam dvd on a regular dvd player?
its because my familiy just bought a car and have a dvd player in it but in my home i hold a blue ray disc dvd player. No, with the sole purpose on a blue ray player,a ps3 or a computer with a blue beam player.

Are you have a problem getting the Wolverine blu-ray DVD to play?
Anyone else having trouble getting the Wolverine movie to play? Using an HP pavilion with a Toshiba blu-ray player. According to HP, Quickplay and Toshiba, I hold up-to-date firmware and drivers. Please try this professional Blu-ray DVD Ripper, with which, you can With this Blu-ray DVD Ripper(,...

Are/when they gonna be blue gleam games for laptop close to ps3 ?
HI Their is no such thing like blue stream games, it is just that the games are burned on blue ray disc due to their big size. I dont think their are gonna be any games on blue ray disc because blue gleam disc...

Are/when they gonna be blue streak games for workstation similar to ps3 ?
Once the drives and the disks are down to a reasonable price. At this point there's really no reason to since it's so much cheaper to lately stick the game on a couple DVDs.

Armageddon on Blu Ray?
Are they ever gonna release Armageddon on Blu Ray? They have released loads of films on Blu Ray now, and some of the films are awful however they havent released Armageddon which has to be one of the best films ever They better, that movie rules!! That would be terrible... Armageddon on a disc? DOOMSDAY DEVICE!...

Aside from blu-ray disc, does the ps3 play regular dvds?
Im wondering if the ps3 plays regular dvds as well as blu rays? yes it plays regular dvds as well. Any player that can play blu rays can also play regular dvds Yeah man, Blu Ray is the best, it can play any Blu-Ray any DVD and any CD. So...

Aspect ratio -Samsung 46 LCD (720P) on Sony BD 350 blue streak?
I connected my Sony blue ray player to my 720 P Samsung LCD HDTV. Setting was tuned to widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio on the Sony blue sunbeam. When I watch the movieTransformers, i notice that some slice of the TV (top and bottom) is not used, though the...

At CES their be several 3D Tv's, can the ps3 produce a 3D figurine throutgh the blu-ray player?
No games support 3D on the PS3. Only certain games (mostly PC), meaning VERY few can in reality make use of the panel.

At the most...I hold $500. to spend on a blue shaft of light disk player. What would you recommend?
I have heard that Playstation 3 is a pretty well-mannered blue-ray option for about $400. Any others? Sony BDP-S350, the first stand alone Profile 2.0 player at $350-$400 will be available next month. PS3 is by the best choice...

Available on DVD and blu-ray? What is blu-ray?
lol I have been notice the word blu-ray a lot. I haven't been view that much television lately because of hwk. What is blu-ray?? blu-ray are DVD that have more storage to hold video that are high-definition Source(s): Blu-Ray is discs that hold more than a regular...

Batman begin blu-ray wont play?
I have just bought Batman begin on Blu ray & it wont play on my computer. (HP HDX9310). My other Blu ray films seem to be to work fine. Any ideas? In HP quickplay (you have to use this on the computer to play blu streak disks) it plays the Warner brothers bit with the...
Besides a better picture standard and more space, what else does Blu-Ray set aside?
It has a shorter wavelength than a red laser, which makes it possible to focus on laser spot even more precisely. So more information will stored on the disc compared to the same size of a CD. Source(s): hello, on Samsung...

Besides blu streak, what are the advantages of the ps3?
What are some good games for it too? PS3 is offering biddable value of money. You can use it as gaming console, bluray player, multimedia player (music, video player, internet browser), and media streaming for solitary US&399. It is wonderful, isn't it? Plus you can play online for free.

Best Animated Blu Ray Movies?
What are some of the best blu ray moves that are animated like toy story, finding nemo, or ratatouii? little mermaid is really good on blu beam I watch WALL-E on blu ray at a friends house and it convinced me to buy a blu ray player of my own. It be incredible...

Best Blu Ray Action Movies?
i've gotten into the whole blu ray craze and for right reason, the picture and sound is amazing, presently i'm not going to buy every movie that comes out on blu ray because i think that's pointless, i of late want something with good motion and a good story line, I'm into action/adventure stuff, a...

Best Blu Ray Movie To Watch (PS3,20 Samsung HDTV)?
Hey guys its the summer holidays and im bored,, its raining and theres nothing to do. i want to watch a visually stunning blu sunbeam movie on my ps3, but the movie must have at least a virtuous story. i heard that transformers 1 is a good one to...

Best Blu Ray player for the money?? (NOT PS3)?
What in your opinion is the best blu shaft of light player out there for the money, please include features, etc. The Panasonic DMP-BD55K. At around $400, it isn't the least expensive player, but it's far from the most expensive, and give excellent bang for the buck. Plays Blu Ray disks,...

Best blu shaft of light out here for a righteous price?
Im wanting to buy a blu ray dvd player for my hubby he knows adjectives about those things but im totally clueless. i really dont wanna spend over 250.00 and am looking for something that is worth buying.i hold looked up walmart and target and what not but figures...

Best blu sunbeam dvd today?
if you could buy a dvd blu ray which would you pick and why? Player- PS3, lot more features than your run of the mill player. Disk- try Transformers, killer nouns if you have a killer system. I would choose The Dark Knight from Warner Bros. The scenes that are shot in IMAX...

Best Blue Ray Player?
I want a stand alone (no PS3) Blue Ray player that will work well with my 7.1 surround nouns reciever. I also don't want to spend $1000. Which ones should I look into. Thank you. We're going to enjoy to go with alis here (but beside one small addition). The Panasonic...

Best blue Ray tv?
Wats the best blue ray tv company?? Did you mean Blu Ray player,Panasonic DMP-BD60 Blu-ray Disc Player is a righteous one or if you mean TV to display blu ray I would suggest Samsung LCD TV 1080p theres note called a blue ray tv. do u expect blue...

Best Blue-ray Palyer!?
My parents just bought a sony Blue-ray disk player BDP-S360, but what I noticed is that it does not support DVIX and Xvid and i does not enjoy wifi so i want to return it and get another one that has wifi and support Divx format video, so I'm looking for some brand suggestions with reasonable price.Thx...

Best Blue-Ray Player for Pioneer Pro 950 HD?
I have a new Pioneer Pro 950 HD, and i would approaching to know what is the best compatible Blue-Ray player to use with this tv? Yuo want to know the best blu-ray player? As funny as it sounds it is the playstation 3. This is because you can download...

Best Blu-Ray disk choice?
Just got a new Blu-Ray disk player what should my first Blu-Ray disk be to buy/watch? More interested surrounded by something that will showcase all the graphics/audio that Blu-Ray has to grant (ie NOT just a general movie recommendation) surrounded by a family-friendly genre. "> You may look in some of these Video. They're many...

How come blue rays sometimes compress the eyeshade and other times near are black bar?
I just watched my first blue sunbeam on my 52 inch sony using my ps3. It was The Dark Knight. I noticed sometimes (mostly during bird's eye scene of the city) that the entire screen was complete with video, while most of the time there...

How come i am competent to play blu shaft of light rips beside VLC medium player on my standard definition laptop?
I have a blu ray rip, and it plays only just fine when i play it through VLC media player on my laptop, however i know my latop has a standard definition monitor so it should not know how...

How come i cant receive digital nouns when i play blu shaft of light movies from my ps 3?
i can receive digital sound when i play vdo games and regular dvd movies except when i play blu ray movies on ps 3...(HDMI hooks up to ps3 and LCD and opitical digital cable hooks up to a receiver) HDMI output...

How come more of Blu Ray movies are rough when compared to Hd Dvd?
I use both formats and have realised that blu ray movies own more 'grain'. None of the Hd Dvd movies I have suffer from this. are you playing the blu rays on a blu stream player? Grain is not a function of sharpness. When you see...

How come movies look so much better contained by blu-ray than HD?
I have a PS3 and when I watch movies surrounded by Blu-Ray, they blow away anything I watch on tv in HD. Why is that? Why can't ESPN surrounded by HD have the same competence as a movie in blu-ray? It's adjectives about source quality. Blue-Ray...

How come my Blue Ray set up looks totaly different from Best Buy's set up?
I have a Sony Blue Ray Player and HDMI cable. I also have a Samsung 52 1080p Plasma. I notice the quality is HD but when I look at the Blue Ray in Best Buy the ability is much better, I don't get the realistic...

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Blu-Ray DVD Questions and Answers

How do I return with Dolby TrueHD audio from my Playstation 3 next to Blu-Ray?
I heard that Dolby TrueHD is the best uncompressed format for digital audio on Blu-Ray, and I also know that you can transfer TrueHD through HDMI. My audio amplifier for surround nouns has a digital coaxial and optical input supported. Is it possible...

How do I rip a blue streak dvd or convert a video to 853x480?
I bought ones a tv show on itunes and it appeared to be a high quality as 853x480, i can rip blue streak and stuff but how do i make it to that video dimension to have the peak quality on my iPod? here i recommend...

How do I rip Blu Ray movies to my computer?
Is there any way I can rip a blu beam movie to my computer even though it isn't doesn't have a blu ray drive? What program will do this...handbrake? Here is a record of blu-ray ripper Rip Blu Ray to iPod Rip Blu Ray to iPhone ...

How do i rip blu sunbeam movies on my PS3??
you cant.. it has protection.. and itll probably eat up most your PS3's tough drive.. considering a blu-ray can hold up to 50GB worth of data.. We're probably a couple years from having the ability to do this. Companies that specialize within ripping software like ImToo will be...

How do i see a blu-ray movie next to out a blu-ray player?
because i tried watching a blu-ray movie on a normal dvd player but it didnt work so how can i watch it It will simply work on a BD drive. So you will need to buy one. It will not work on a regular DVD...

How do I see Blu Ray within its entirety?
Ok I have a ps3 that plays blu rays, hooked up to an HDTV and all that stuff, and beside the hd cables hooked up. What else might I need to landscape the Blu Ray in picture for all it have to offer? Or is that it? Your PS3 is hooked...

How do i set up the blu-ray for my ps3 on an elder HD tv?
my hd tv is like from 2002 or something, and i just bought a ps3 today. so i be wondering how i could install the blu ray if the tv for hd has simply the red, gree, and blue holes and the ps3 comes with...

How do I spark off the resume play side on my PS3 blu sunbeam player?
I can't get my Play Station 3 blu ray player to resume playing at the point I concluding left off after turning the appliance off. Always starts at the beginning when I try to play the disk! How do I do this? ...

How do I take digital nouns from my blue-ray to my surround system?
I have an older digital surround nouns stereo, but it has no optical audio jack. It has an optical video jack. My blue shaft of light has an optical audio output jack, and I have an optical cord, but how do I achieve the sound...

How do I turn my movie into Blu-Ray?
I have a Canon VIXIA HF100 that records surrounded by 1080p, how could I burn the video onto a blu-ray disc? Thank you. Check this website out, it is for a program to help you burn onto a blu-ray disc. this should help you out. permit me know

How do I unlock a Panasonic blu-ray player?
I haven't seen any cracks either. Alternative: Get a BR player for your PC and install anydvd on it. Then rip to your tricky drive and connect your PC to your TV for big screen viewing. As far as I know you can't. Unlocking Blu-ray players has even so to happen.
How do I update a panasonic blu sunbeam player (DMP-BD30) near SD?
I downloaded the new update (2.2) but can't figure out what to do near it player acts resembling there's nothing on the card. The update is compressed in a closure or rar file. It must be uncompressed before it can be used. Windows can unzip the database...

How do I update a samsung bd-p-1500 blu stream player?
How do I upgrade the firmware? We have tried downloading the firmware to the usb flash drive, and connecting the ethernet cable to the lan port on the router and it keeps truism cannot connect to the internet. Any Ideas? thanks! "> First of all You cant merely simply...

How do I update my Blu Ray player?
I bought The Haunting in Connecticut and my Blu Ray player needs to be updated within order to play it. Most Blu-ray players allow for you to update them by downloading the update on a computer and burning it to a disc. The disc can then be inserted surrounded by the Blu-ray...

How do I update my Blu-Ray Disk player?
I know there is new hardware for it, and I want to install it. However, it is not surrounded by my computer (it is connected to my T.V.). How do I update it to the latest firmware? It is one of the first Blu Ray models. Some can also use USB memory...

How do i update my Blu-ray player?how do i get hold of the firmware into the blu-ray player?
i just bought a memorex blu-ray player.i don't know if that's a cheap name brand but i bought it do it was only 300 bucks.anyways after i bought the blu-ray player i purchased the blu-ray movie Max when i go home...

How do I upgrade fireware on my sony blu-ray player?
also have a toshiba hd-player as well how do I upgrade the fireware on them? First, it's FIRMware, not FIREware. The exact procedure vary somewhat, but basically you download a copy of the latest firmware for respectively specific machine, burn it to a DVD (or order from Sony/Toshiba on...

How do I use my Blu-Ray disk drive on my laptop be be capable of connect and use on my TV?
I just bought an HP laptop with a Blu-Ray disk drive, and I want to use the existing Blu-Ray on the laptop on my TV. Is in that a way I can do this using cables? Is it possible...

How do i use my ps3's blue sunbeam player to monitor movies on my laptop using an HDMI nouns?
I have a HP DV-6 labtop using vista Home Primium. It has one HDMI port on it and i want to use my Play Staion Three to be capable of watch movies on it. Yes i know my laptop has a...

How Do I Use My USB Drive On My Blu Ray Player?
I have a thumb drive that I put a movie on and when I plug it into my Blu Ray Player and go to menu i jump to video and it says no files found is there a faultless format or something? Anyone who can help would be...

How do i vision a blu beam surrounded by medium player?
Is there a codec i can get that will allow me to play a blue stream inside of media player? my player is a Sony BDU-X10S disc drive for ma comp thanks for any aid If your PC came with a BD drive, it probably have its...

How do Install firmware update on my Sony S300 blu-ray?
How do Install firmware update on my Sony S300 blu-ray? Follow the directions given on this website.

How do Install firmware update on my Sony S300 blu-ray?
I just downloaded a firmware update onto my computer. I can burn it onto disk, but do I need to do anything special to nouns it onto my blu-ray player? Do I just put the burnt disk contained by and let it roll? I'm having a tough...

How do stand-alone Blu-Ray players update themselves?
Stand-alone as in, not connected to the Internet? I don't imagine they do. I've hear of software updates being done to disc players by putting a special disc in them provided by the businessman, but that's extremely rare. I've known of profoundly of DVD players that had to go to...

How do the blue-ray players look when connected to 720p HD TV's?
How do the blue ray players look when connected to 720p HD TV's? They look square and kind of bulky. There are a bunch of connectors on the back too. Source(s): XBOX Expert A Blu-Ray player looks the same no event what TV it is connected too. They...

How do they craft hoary movies look so righteous on Blu-Ray?
Film is higher definition than Blu-Ray, but the Blu-Ray can only look as suitable as the film it's copying. So in instruct for an old movie to look good on Blu-Ray they recurrently times have to digitally restore the actual physical film itself. This involves scan each...

How do they format elder movies into blu-ray dvds short it human being shot by blu-ray cameras?
Almost all Hollywood films since the late 1940's forward to modern times are shot on 35mm motion picture. In the last ten years a few directors have moved to High Definition digital cameras, but digital is still the exception. 35mm picture is...

How do they turn a DVD into Blu-Ray? I see antediluvian DVD's advertise as BluRay. I thought they have to motion picture contained by BR?
I keep seeing these older movies on DVD immediately being sold as Blu Ray. How does this happen? Are they truly Blu Ray and impossible to tell apart high quality? They...

How do they turn old-fashioned movies into HD(blu-ray)?
I obviously have know zilch about the subject, but it seems impossible. lol They enjoy to copy all of the film into digital format, later clean and enhance electronically. An old movie may look better within Blue-Ray but it will not look as good as a movie that is made surrounded by...

How do u Clean the blu sunbeam eye surrounded by your playstation 3?? because im have plroblems!?
it wont play any games it shows up a blue screen whenever i try to play a game "> it wont work basically to clean the lens, you have to win a new laser. If its under warranty convey it to sony.

More Blu-Ray DVD questions please visit :

Blu-Ray DVD Questions and Answers

How much can interfere blu-ray player near HDtv?
. If you have HD service changes the standard of blu-ray? if you don't have the HD service and you watch a blu-ray movie...Does guarante a better talent? even if you have an HDTV but no service of High Def.? Or would I buy something without sense If I own...

How much difference does Blue-ray craft?
I'm considering getting a PS3 but only if Blue-ray is good, otherwise i'd budge for the Xbox Blu-ray is *fantastic*! It makes the movie seem similar to you're watching it live! but you have to consider the quality of the TV you will be watching the blu-ray on. If you hold a crappy...

How much do blu-ray players cost for your laptop?
I wanna install a blue-ray player in my Dell Inspiron 1545 but I am not sure how much they cost. Does anybody know? The Dell Inspiron 1545 is factory fitted with a DVD drive, they do not proffer a blue ray option any as a factory install or after market. This...

How much do you contemplate a second mitt PS3, 60g, 2 wireless controllers, gta4 winter sport, 2 blu streak films, how much ?
lb375 i'd buy it for, i deem its fair. Around lb300 for 60gb ps3 and two controllers, lb30 for GTA and lb30 for the blu rays. but as i said i'd prob pay lb375 lb275-lb300. It's...

How much do you know just about Blu Ray? Need lend a hand.?
I am so retarded when it comes to new technology so i need assistance regarding Blu Ray. Now If I were to buy a Blu Ray player is it able to hook up with my regular non-HD Television or would I have to obtain a...

HOW much DOES the IRON man BLU beam DVD cost?
It is 25.95 on amazon. So it may fluctuate a few dollars depending on the store. Source(s): depending with version you win usally they make to one just next to the original video with no extra scene and stuff like that which runs about...

How much does a blue sunbeam wireless adaptor cost?
does any one knows how much does a blue ray wireless adaptor cost That depends upon the player. Samsung players singular work directly with their Samsung wireless adapter which is about $80. But they work next to any wireless bridge. I am using mine with an...

How much does a disney blu-ray cost?
Were looking to buy a blu-ray player. We need to know how much it cost and is it worth it. Thanks so much! :) If you are asking about actual blu ray titles by disney, the current ones are around $25 35. However, rumors hold the prices increasing to as high as $45...

How much does Blockbuster and Hollywood Video charge to rent a blu streak movie?
We get them for the same amount as regular dvd's through Blockbuster online. Depends on where you live. At my Blockbuster, our tentative release DVDs are 4.99, and Blu-Rays at 5.49 I believe. Hi i work for hollywood video in Ma, so the sales duty...

How much does it cost to fix the blu sunbeam drive of a PS3?
My PS3 only plays movies. How much can i expect to fix it? I havent had that problem near my PS3 but my friend has and I believe he had to pay packet SOny about $100 for them to fix it. Source(s): 40GB PS3 Owner ...

How much does it cost to rent a blu-ray dvd from Blockbuster?
How much will it cost to rent a blu-ray movie from blockbuster? same as a normal dvd You should consider joining blockbuster online or their program to rent dvds. You pay a flat fee and the prices won't redeploy. Source(s): varies depending upon...
How much does it cost to repair broken ps3 blu sunbeam drive?
I got error 80010514 and need to fix or replace my ps3 blu sunbeam drive. How much will it cost? depends who u get to fix it. go ask at workstation world or somet

How much does it cost to replace a ps3 blue sunbeam drive?
Fyi I don't want to hear Should have got an xbox because I've be a playstation fanboy since I was a little kid. Now to the point, my ps3 doesn't play disk anymore so I be wondering if I can get it fixed for under a hundred? If...

How much does PCM audio appropriate away from blu-ray video trait?
Why would audio take away from video quality? PCM take up space, but Blu-ray video is going to be the same encoding no matter what audio formats are included. That's the positive aspect of Blu-ray ... lots of room on the disk. Even if there WERE a...

How much external memory should I go and get for my blu streak player?
I just bought a sony bds350 blu ray and it have an expansion slot for external memory (usb memory vault) it comes in many flavours from 1gb upward and I be wondering if anyone had an idea of what the minimum should be surrounded by...

How much is a unsullied sony blu stream player?
Im just wondering i want a ps3 and a blu ray player so im a short time ago wondering whats a better deal? and how much is a seperate blu ray player and a ps3 40 gb The PS3 is a great BD player. If you want a state of the...

How much is it to rent blu-ray movies from blockbuster?
What did Blockbuster say when you call them? I'm pretty sure that they would have the most accurate answer, don't you think? actually, it's $4.99 even. Rentals do not own tax on them. Source(s): Blockbuster Manager $4.99 plus tax.

How much longer til DVD is a point of the recent past. And everthing will be on Blue Ray?
for real..i dont want to get rid of any DVDs anytime soon approaching i had to with VHS Not any time soon. DVDs and players are commodity items. Blu-Ray players and videos aren't all the same like that. Plus a BD...

How much money are Blu Ray players?
I was thinking of buying one, but how much is a good one? You might as well basically buy a PS3 for the price, they run about $400.00... but if you wanna get a really simple one, you can get the bottom of the line for around $200.00 :-D it really varies...

How much money will i attain if i exchange my spider man 3 blu-ray movie?
like at a game surge or activity stop or a radioshack a pawnshop ? or if you have any other places in mind its surrounded by perfect condition , and how much would they give for it ? i inevitability money so i...

How much money will i draw from if i exchange my spider man 3 blu-ray movie ?
like at a game surge or team game stop or a radioshack a pawnshop ? or if you have any other places in mind its surrounded by perfect condition , and how much would they give for it ? sell it on...

How much power does a Blu-Ray DVD player suck up?
My family leaves our DVD player on all the time and I want to show them a moment ago how much power we're wasting. Any links to support your answers would be awesome. Thanks At the back/bottom of your player there is a little sticky label that says what is...

How much should i reward for a blue streak player?
where can i get the best settlement on a blue ray and how much should i spend on it. i don't need the top of the line but i don't wanna find one at k-mart. unless you guys have any good things to say aloud about their electronics. i have...

How much should I spend for a 'good' blu-ray player?
Ok, I know that not all blu-ray players are created equal. So what should I be looking for in a blu-ray player? How much should I expect to spend? I already enjoy an XBox 360 so is it better to get a PS3 or get a blu-ray...

How much space do Blu Ray movies purloin up on a BD disk?
I wanted to know exactly how big the movies are on the Blu Ray disks when you buy them? I'm not talking roughly speaking the actual size of the Blu Ray disks (Which the dual layered Blu Ray disks are 50 gigs I think) but the data...

How much times do you tink take to disney to release adjectives if it,s cartoon on blu-ray.?
How much time do you think it takes for Disney to release adjectives of it's cartoons on Blu-ray? Well, that depends on how much of a dive Disney wants to lug, which is not in the interest of it's shareholders and therefore...

How much to flog my Blu-Ray DVD player for?
Its a Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-ray Player. Its brand new and still in an unopened box. How much do you recommend I supply it for? it is this one: Please tell me in Canadian Dollars! Find the player for the lowest price you can on the web. Subtract $20-25 &...

How much will cost replacing my blu stream lens on my PS3?
150 if sony be to replace it. but if ur under warranty which is a yearwith a receipt later its FREE :) ! Buying a new blu-ray drive from sony would cost 150$. Source(s): There are aftermarket PS3 Blu-Ray laser lenses which you can buy and...

How much will Gamestop take-home pay for a used 40GB Playstation 3 next to the Spider Man 3 Blue-Ray DVD?
I want to sell my 40GB Playstation 3 with the Spider Man 3 Blu-Ray DVD. I call Gamestop to see how much they would give me but they said they would need to scan it. I'm not trying...

How much will it cost to fix a PS3 problem( blu-ray player) if you dont enjoy the acceptance?
The problem is the blu-ray reader, and i woudl liek to get it fixed with sony if nearby are no other decent options. if u want to not be competent play your system at all u can exchange it for a 360...

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Blu Ray Dvds Enhance The Blu Ray Technology

Blu ray technology refers to the way used by manufacturers to spacious blu ray DVDs. Blu-ray disc is an optical disc storage device used for storing video, computer games and other variety of data. It has a huge storage capacity, as much as 35 GB for a single layered compact disc. It derives its name from the blu violet laser used to read the content stored in the disc. It uses a short wave length; minor than the one in use by a standard DVD, but harbors the storage capacity of up to six DVDs combined.

Blu ray DVDs faced nonflexible competition from High Definition DVDs. The DVDs had a more successfully marketing strategy that made the blu ray DVDs seem classy and cumbersome. Still, they got a respite with the growth of the third generation play station since it also functioned as blu ray DVDs player. With the passage of time, blu ray DVDs outsold DVDs when essentially youngsters but also the general public purchased the third generation play station for fun.

Subsequently, it was the decision by chief movie houses to start using Blu-ray discs as opposed to blu ray DVDs. This affected the operations of the manufacturers of the DVDs because movie houses were a imperative market for their product. This action by the movie houses was followed by a decision among most important retailers to stop stocking DVDs. After this enrichment, the manufacturer of DVD stopped the production of this product.

Numerous observers credit the technique of the third generation play station congregate with the superior marketing techniques employed by the proponents of the Blu-ray discs as the trigger that precipitated the sudden rise of the blu ray DVDs and accordingly the fall of the DVDs.

The overall idea of the blu ray DVDs is that they are designed and created by using a blue laser which allows for superior exactness in the change of the DVD as a product. Also, by using the blue laser it is thinner, so more space is eventually obtainable to be used too. Just like the latest standard DVDs these new and better blu ray DVDs can be used for recording, backing up data, media, movies, music, and multiple other uses.

Forums and blog postings have decent a super deal that pertain to the blu ray DVDs due in part that these DVDs do in fact offer so much more to an entity. There are several web sites using the Internet that are associated with the blu ray DVDs and individuals who are interested in these ideas and issues that are talked to plus other information, there are many to decide from.

While some experts disagree with sure changes in the technology industry, when surveys were done in effect via the Internet individuals who have purchased the blu ray DVDs left actually optimistic feedback about the new products. On the five star rating scales the product was persistently rated with five stars.

Quit Smoking for the New Year with Electronic Cigarettes such as Smoke Star, VaporPak, and Smoke 51

The New Year is fast approaching us, have you made your new years resolution? One of the most popular new years resolutions these days is to quit smoking. Everyone is tightening their belt due to the current state of the economy that is why products such as Smoke Star, VaporPak, and Smoke 51 have been dominating the market this holiday season. Not only do they carry a variety of different nicotine levels, but they also allow you to smoke indoors without you having to ingest tar into your lungs at the same time.

Learning how to control your smoking is a great way to great ready for the New Year and everything that it may bring. Smoking adds up costing a lot of money per yr and if you were to start using electronic cigarettes you could potentially be saving thousands of dollars per year. One of the major advantages of smoking an electronic cigarette such as Smoke Star, VaporPak, and Smoke 51 is the health benefits that come along side.

Smoking e-cigarettes vs. traditional cigarettes do not have you ingesting tar directly into your lungs, do not give off second hand smoke, and has nothing to do with smoke in the first place. An electronic cigarette uses vapor to mimic lighting up and giving off a smoke look a like that is better called vapor.

Electronic Cigarette forums are available for all brands of cigarettes including Smoke Star, VaporPak, and Smoke 51

Many people are going nuts over electronic cigarettes such as Smoke Star, Vapor Pak, and Smoke 51 for quit smoking, but others are unsure. Because these products have cause such a stir in the smoking community there are many online forums that people can go to to write down their experiences and share what they have gone through when trying Smoke Star, VaporPak, and Smoke 51 electronic cigarettes for the first time.

These forums are designed to get the real buzz from actual consumers about the different electronic cigarettes are out there. Just like different brands of cigarettes, there are different brands of electronic cigarettes. People are going to no doubt prefer one brand to the other that is why there are brand conversions on these different forums to try to convert the traditional brand cigarette to the electronic brand cigarette.

E-cigarettes review will allow you to determine which brand of e-cigarette (SmokeStar, VaporPak, or Smoke 51) is right for you.

There are also e-cigarette reviews out there for you to consult when trying to make the decision as to which brand you are going to try first. You should be aware however that many brands, such as SmokeStar, VaporPak, and Smoke 51 are all giving away free trials of their product.

The electronic cigarette is taking over the market at a very fast pace, in which you should not wary or think is out of your technological reach. Electronic cigarettes are not a scam and can help you to seriously cut down or quit all together on your smoking for the New Year.

Richard Moore has written hundreds of reviews on Health and Beauty, Quit Smoking, Fitness, weight loss etc. Read his reviews on the various different products at that will help you in improving your health and fitness.

The Hottest Female Soldiers in Movies

10. Stacey Dash (Renaissance Man)

Stacey Lauretta Dash (born January 20, 1966) is an American film and television actress. Dash's first major film role was in the Richard Pryor comedy Moving in 1988. She also had sizeable roles in Mo' Money and Renaissance Man during this time. In 1995, Dash starred as a femme fatale in a low budget film, Illegal in Blue.

Dash received her big break with the 1995 film Clueless, which starred Alicia Silverstone and Brittany Murphy. Dash played Cher's high school best friend Dionne Marie Davenport, even though Dash was twenty-eight at the time. In 1996 the film spawned a television spinoff, also called Clueless, in which Dash reprised her role as Dionne and Rachel Blanchard played Cher. The series ran from 1996-1999.

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9. Goldie Hawn (Private Benjamin)

Goldie Jeanne Hawn (born November 21, 1945) is an American actress, film director, producer, and occasional singer. Hawn is known for her roles in Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Private Benjamin, Foul Play, Wildcats, Overboard, Bird on a Wire, Death Becomes Her, The First Wives Club, The Banger Sisters, and Cactus Flower, for which she won the 1969 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She is also the mother of actors Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson. Hawn has maintained a relationship with actor Kurt Russell since 1983.

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8. Meg Ryan (Courage Under Fire)

Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra (born November 19, 1961), professionally known as Meg Ryan, is an American film actress. She had lead roles in six films, When Harry Met Sally..., Sleepless in Seattle, French Kiss, City of Angels, Addicted to Love and You've Got Mail whose total gross was over $870 million worldwide.

In 1995, critic Richard Corliss called her "the current soul of romantic comedy." She had leads in several romantic comedies, including When Harry Met Sally... (1989), Sleepless in Seattle (1993) and You've Got Mail (1998). In addition to these romantic comedy roles, she garnered critical acclaim for her work in When a Man Loves a Woman (1994), in which she played an alcoholic, and in Courage Under Fire (1996), portraying a captain in the Gulf War.


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7. Sally Kellerman (MASH)

Sally Kellerman (born June 2, 1937) is an American actress and singer known for her role as Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan in the film MASH (1970), for which she was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. n 1986, she played comedian Rodney Dangerfield's love interest in Back to School and co-starred with Julie Andrews and Jack Lemmon in Blake Edwards' That's Life!.

Kellerman worked again with Robert Altman for The Player (1992) and Prt--Porter (1994) More recently, she has been in American Virgin (2000), Boynton Beach Club (2006) and in The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman (2006). Kellerman has as a cameo in Amy Heckerling's I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) and teamed up with her husband, Jonathan D. Krane, plus Dedee Pfeiffer and Dylan and Cole Sprouse in A Modern Twain Story: The Prince and the Pauper (2007).


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6. Demi Moore (A Few Good Men)

Demi Guynes Kutcher (born November 11, 1962), known professionally as Demi Moore, is an American actress. After minor roles in film and a role in the television drama series General Hospital, Moore established her career in films such as St. Elmo's Fire (1985), and in the early 1990s became one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood with her successes in Ghost (1990), A Few Good Men (1992), Indecent Proposal (1993), and Disclosure (1994).

By the end of the decade her films were less successful, but she returned to prominence with her role in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003). Moore took her professional name from her first husband Freddy Moore and is the mother of three daughters from her marriage to Bruce Willis. She has been married to actor Ashton Kutcher since 2005 and later took his last name in 2009.


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5. Jessica Simpson (Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous)

Jessica Ann Simpson (born July 10, 1980) is an American singer, actress, television personality and fashion designer who rose to fame in 1999. She has achieved seven Billboard Top 40 hits, and five studio albums of which four have been positioned in the top 10 on Billboard 200 and besides that have been certified by the RIAA, three gold and two Multi- Platinum.

Simpson starred with her then-husband Nick Lachey in the MTV reality show Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica. She ventured into the country music market in 2008 and released Do You Know. She has sold 20 million records Worldwide. In 2009, Billboard named Simpson as the 95th overall best Artists of the Decade. Also was ranked at number 86 on Billboard 200 Artists, solely based on album sales.


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4. Jolene Blalock (Starship Troopers 3: Marauder)

Jolene K. Blalock (born March 5, 1975) is an American film and television actress and model, best known for playing the Vulcan T'Pol on the UPN science fiction series Star Trek: Enterprise. The star of several feature films, she is a regular guest star in television films and series. A popular model, Blalock left home at 17 to model in Europe and Asia.

She has appeared on the cover of many men's lifestyle magazines and was twice featured in Maxim's "Girls of Maxim" gallery. She posed for a clothed fashion layout in Playboy in April 2002. She was later interviewed by the magazine for its "20Q" section in February 2005. Blalock spent years dieting as a model and was relieved to move into acting, saying: "I'm jaded by my experiences in the modeling industry. You're never skinny or perfect enough, and it was difficult mentally making the transition to acting."


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3. Karolina Kurkova (G.I. Joe)

Karolna Isela Kurkov (born February 28, 1984) is a Czech model, best known as a former Victoria's Secret Angel, and an aspiring actress. Mario Testino said of Kurkov, "The proportions of her body and her face, as well as her energy level, make her a model who could fit almost into any moment." Vogue editor Anna Wintour called her the "next supermodel".

In March 2006, Kurkov received an award from the non-profit organization, Women Together, for her humanitarian work. Kurkov was honored for working for the welfare of children through organizations such as "The Beautiful Life Fund", "Free Arts" and "Global Youth Action Network". Karolina Kurkova received the Atmosphere Magazine Award at the Madrid Planet Hollywood on December 18, 2003.


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2. Denise Richards (Starship Troopers)

Denise Lee Richards (previously Sheen; born February 17, 1971) is an American actress and former fashion model. She became famous in the late 1990s, after a string of films that highlighted her sex appeal, including Starship Troopers, Wild Things, and The World Is Not Enough. She also has her own reality TV show, Denise Richards: It's Complicated which is broadcast on American channel E!.


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1. Angelina Jolie (Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow)

Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight; June 4, 1975) is an American actress. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards. Jolie promotes humanitarian causes, and is noted for her work with refugees as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). She has been cited as one of the world's most attractive people, as well as the world's "most beautiful" woman, titles for which she has received substantial media attention.

Though she made her screen debut as a child alongside her father Jon Voight in the 1982 film Lookin' to Get Out, Jolie's acting career began in earnest a decade later with the low-budget production Cyborg 2 (1993). Her first leading role in a major film was in Hackers (1995). She starred in the critically acclaimed biographical films George Wallace (1997) and Gia (1998), and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama Girl, Interrupted (1999). Jolie achieved wider fame after her portrayal of video game heroine Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), and since then has established herself as one of the best-known and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. She has had her biggest commercial successes with the action-comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) and the animated film Kung Fu Panda (2008).



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5 Great Theme Parks in Spain

Many tourists to Spain will want to visit a theme park or two in order to make their holiday truly enjoyable. It is a known fact that Spain is home to some of the best tourist attractions, especially in terms of theme parks. Theme parks are a great way in which to spend a day out during your vacation, no matter what age you are and no matter where within the country you are visiting, you are sure to find a great theme park which can be enjoyed by all.

Port Aventura theme park in Salou is situated only one hour from Barcelona and is part of the Universal Mediterranea Resort. Designed to display various exotic destinations around the globe, guests can begin their day in the Spanish region of Catalunya which is themed as a typical Mediterranean port. During their time at the park, visitors can also experience other delights such as the folklore of Polynesia, The Great Wall of China and Mexico. Each themed area has its own rides which are suitable for various ages and also different levels of bravery!

Some of the parks highlights include Dragon Kahn which boasts an 8 loop rollercoaster, Furius Baco and Hurakan Condor; but the park also houses many restaurants, bars, shops and even some live entertainment throughout the day for those who are looking to take a breather from the rides. The season typically runs from March through to November, but those who choose to stay within one of the parks hotels will find that they are able to enter the park before it is open to the public.

Terra Mitica in Benidorm is known for having more annual sunshine hours than any other European theme park location-perfect for those sun worshippers! Designed with a Mediterranean world of ancient legends and mysteries, visitors will be spoilt with areas themed around 5 zones- Egypt, Greece, Rome, Iberia and The Islands. Many of the rides at Terra Mitica are of a great size, so are best for those who are slightly older or are pure adrenaline junkies.

Some of the highlights include SynKope, Titanide and Inferno which sees riders being launched at 60km an hour whilst riding up, down, forward, backwards and everything in between-definitely an experience you may not find at other theme parks. Again, you will find a variety of shops and restaurants to visit in between rides, as well as some fantastic shows such as Tarantela which is a circus performance filled with dance, humor and pure magic in terms of performance.

Isla Magica in Sevilla is situated in the heart of Andalucia, which is deemed as one of the most beautiful cities within Spain. The parks theme revolves around the history and culture of the city, with designs which portray the adventures of the Spanish pioneers in the New World. The 6 zones which consist of Port to the Indies, Americas Gateway, Amazonia, the Pirates Den, The Font of youth and El Dorado all house thrilling rides which will suit all tastes and ages and many characters brought to life throughout the park thanks to the team of fantastic entertainment staff.

Some of the highlights include El Dasafio, Ciklon and the new attraction Audiovisual. The park has a wide range of exotic restaurants and shops which will cater for all budgets and tastes and entertainment shows which depict the history behind the city.

Over the past few years, there has been a huge boom in theme parks which revolve around the world of film and entertainment. Warner Brothers Movie World in Madrid is just one such theme park. Designed to the same high quality which you would expect of the American film theme parks, Warner Bros. Movie World offers visitors the chance to explore around 5 different themed areas which are based on different sets and characters from many of the Warner Bros. films.

As you would expect, there are many entertainment shows, but the park also boasts some fantastic rides such as Superman (situated in Superheroes World), The Haunted Hotel (situated in WB Movie World), and Coaster Express (situated in Old West Territory). Due to its fantastic mix of family friendly rides and adrenaline pumping attractions, this is a great family day out. Each area also has its own themed restaurants and shops which not only help to make it a great day out for kids, but adults too.

Finally, there is Sioux City in Gran Canaria. This is a chance to back in time to Wild, Wild West where visitors will get the chance to meet mythical warriors such as White Herb and may even find themselves involved in a bank hold-up or a shoot out! This park is all about recreating the era of the Wild West with rustic barbecues, can-can girls, sheriffs, western music and plenty of gunfights!

Thanks to its dedicated theme, visitors will be spilt with a wide range of shows and entertainment throughout the day, and even the chance for the kids to dress up as Indians and watch the fantastic shows such as Indian Rain Dance and a Saloon fight. This park is more for those who enjoy exploring and being astounded by the performances of the entertainers rather than ride a theme park ride; and due to the slight violence theme, is best not for young families. However, those who visit this park will be left with a great day our full of fun and frolics.

Taking a holiday in Spain is as much about the different forms of entertainment you can find as it is about the weather and other natural sights. For those who are looking to get a bit of fun and laughter into their holiday, dont hesitate to visit one of the top parks in Spain and make it a holiday to be enjoyed by all.

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Diễn Viên phim sex và những cái chết bi kịch

Dù là một “ngôi sao phim sex” thì cuộc đời của họ chưa hẳn đã sung túc và vẻ vang. Một số trường hợp phải qua đời trong sự cô độc, một số khác lại bất hạnh đột tử vì căn bệnh nan y…

Đối với nhiều người, “chuyện chăn gối” là chủ đề tối kỵ trong các cuộc nói chuyện. Chính vì thế mà xưa nay các diễn viên đóng “phim người lớn” luôn bị đặt ở vị trí thấp hơn so với những nghệ sỹ khác.

Và trên thực tế, dù là một “ngôi sao phim sex” thì cuộc đời của họ chưa hẳn đã sung túc và vẻ vang. Một số trường hợp phải qua đời trong sự cô độc, một số khác lại bất hạnh đột tử vì căn bệnh nan y…

Dưới đây là 9 trong số những cái kết bi đát của các tài tử, mỹ nữ từng trong dòng phim đặc biệt này:

Percy Foster

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Percy Foster có vẻ ngoài rất giống tài Gordon Ramsay nhưng số phận của anh thì hoàn toàn trái ngược với tử Hollywood này.

Percy được phát hiện qua đời trong tầng hầm cũ kỹ của một khu nhà chung cư. Lúc đó anh mới 35 tuổi và đang sở hữu tài sản lớn, bao gồm xe hơi BMW và nhiều biệt thự sang trọng.

Maryam Haley

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Năm 19 tuổi, vì thiếu tiền thuê nhà nên Maryam Haley đã quyết định làm người mẫu ảnh nude. Sau đó, cô được mời tham gia đóng phim sex (tổng cộng 313 bộ) và nhanh chóng trở thành gương mặt “đắt khách” trên nhiều trang bìa tạp chí.

Năm 2007, Maryam Haley qua đời khi mới tròn 25 và nguyên do chưa được xác định. Khi thi thể được đưa tới bệnh viện, các bác sỹ chỉ phát hiện thấy những vết thâm tím trên cơ thể của cô được cho là do bị chồng bạo hành.

Ngoài ra, cơ quan điều tra cũng xác nhận rằng Maryam cũng đã có thời gian dài sử dụng chất kích thích và ma túy quá liều.

Anna Nicole Smith

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Ngày 8/2/2007 – tròn 1 năm sau ngày mất của con trai, Anna đã được phát hiện khi đã tắt thở trong một căn phòng khách sạn. Theo tìm hiểu, nữ diễn viên sexy này đã dùng thuốc an thần quá liều với mong muốn xoa dịu nỗi đau mất con. Năm đó, Anna mới 39 tuổi.

Taylor Summers

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Taylor Summers bị “chuyên gia ảnh nóng” – nhiếp ảnh gia Anthony Frederick ngộ sát. Thi thể của cô được tìm thấy với nhiều vết dao đâm và đặt dưới tầng hầm khu nhà của Anthony. Lúc này, Taylor vừa bước sang tuổi 23.

Stephen Crane

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Stephen Crane vốn là một diễn viên sex nổi tiếng. Tuy nhiên, sau nhiều lần vi phạm nội quy công ty, anh đã bị sa thải.

Từ đây, Stephen rơi vào trạng thái mất kiểm soát, thường đem kiếm Nhật ra đường gây sự làm loạn.

Sau khi đâm chết một công nhân vô tội, anh đã tự sát và được tìm thấy khi nằm vất vưởng trên một vách đá ở ngoại ô. Năm đó, Stephen mới 34 tuổi.


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Carolin nổi tiếng với nickname Sexy cola. Tháng 11/2011, nữ nghệ sỹ 23 tuổi này đã chết trên bàn phẫu thuật nâng ngực vì bệnh đau tim đột phát.


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Savannah đã tự sát khi mới 23 tuổi. Lúc sinh thời, cô được xem là biểu tượng gợi cảm của cánh mày râu vì có lối diễn xuất hoang dã mà không kém phần tinh tế.

Betty Peggy

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Betty Peggy là ngôi sao phim sex của những năm thập niên 50 của thế kỷ trước. Năm 2008, bà qua đời không rõ lý do khi vừa mừng thọ 85 tuổi.


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Tháng 3/2011, diễn viên phim sex của Israel – nghệ danh Boan đã chết vì bị rắn độc cắn vào ngực. Lý do dẫn đến hoàn cảnh oái oăm này là bởi Boan muốn chụp ảnh hôn rắn làm kỷ niệm.

Book Promotion 2010


Todays author works on a powerful computer, with a fast modem for Internet access.

Special computer programs such as Scrivener, Writers Caf, Page Four, New Novelist and Screenwriter Version Six can handle script formats for motion pictures, theatre, television, novels, comic books and non-fiction books.

Amazingly they keep track of characters and plots. Some advise on the structure, scene order, suggest characters names, personality attributes and locations

When the book is written.

Manuscript lying on the desk, crisp and ready to be released on to the unsuspecting world, writers start sending copies to Literary Agents, still the key-people to get into mainstream retail publishing.

The reality for the typical author who, full of hope, at some considerable cost has sent out maybe a hundred copies of the manuscript to literary agents worldwide, is the depressing sound, over the next month or two, of rejection notes flopping on the doormat.

Year 2010. Publishing is changing, fast.

The modern author, in this new publishing era, does not even bother sending a manuscript to a Literary Agent.

Better to send it to a professional editor, who will comment on characterization, the plot, the start, the middle section, and the end. The author will then correct accordingly or ignore comments. Then it is the proofreaders turn, to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, change bad sentences, cut out repetitions and generally give the book a professional feel.

Book being ready, the publishing phase, is the easiest of the whole process.

Several hundred different POD (Print On Demand) companies worldwide will take on the task, creating a cover and back cover, producing an ISBN number, providing all the necessary help to get the book ready with a nice, professional feel.

Yes, one single book can now be produced with full color cover and unlimited pages removing the cost of having stock, which could easily end up in the authors garden shed or garage, not being sold.

But the publishing revolution does not stop here

Here comes

Its a fact, that the general buying public are not aware of the new book published via POD so it is absolutely essential for the author to get visibility or awareness for the book.

There are some book publicists who work independently and are not bound to publishing houses. Among them is Book Promotion Limited, who works worldwide and who has successfully promoted hundreds of books.

Book-Promotion started some years ago from the idea by one man, who put a team of experts together to research how to create awareness for an unknown author and a new book.

A year was spent focusing on the publishing world and the struggle of new writers. Then gradually the team moved on to create a proper promotion campaign, called Book Promology, which today is sold in the UK, US, Canada, Australia to POD publishers, mainstream publishers and mostly to individual authors.

In end of 2008 the financial crises hit the book trade badly and maybe more than other sections, the promotion of new authors were hit badly. Sales slumped to hardly anything. In November 2009 this changed and the trade is now nearly back to normal.

One of the internal professional reviewers reads the book, decides on keywords, checks the synopsis and forwards the finished review to the author or publisher for comments.

Adding that to an interview with the author, a press release, a bio provided by the author, info on how to buy the book and a couple of pictures, the seven-page web site is ready. The site is focusing strongly on creating sales.

Advanced tag and keyword technology is used to attract the right people for that specific book.

Registration on hundreds of search engines is done and a Google Adwords campaign made ready.

The book promoted is placed on the two largest book price comparison sites, together with a registering on the eight most applicable social websites with an audience of many hundred millions. Social Media Marketing is now a growing factor and some author runs their own shop creating a steady sale of books.

The company includes a three-month one-to-one support.

Cannes Film Festival and new books

An interesting product from Book Promotion Ltd is the presentation of new books at the Cannes Film Festival. This campaign ensures that the new book is placed in the hands of selected film producers, interested in the subject of the book being promoted. The books are hand delivered one by one to film producers at the Festival. A serious way of Book Pitching. No guarantee can of course be given. All negotiations are between the author or publisher and the film company.

A list is produced, a few weeks after the Cannes Film Festival has finished, enabling the author to follow up, with personal letters to hear the view of the producers, should the author not have been informed by the film production company.

Nowadays, at the Cannes Film Festival books are also considered for DVD production or for Terrestrial television production, without having been made into a main film, creating thereby a much bigger and more dynamic opening for the new authors book.

Book Promotion representative has presented books at the Film Festival for many years and knows the way round this very busy marketing place where last year nearly a thousand films was up for sale.

Latest news

Amazon has launched its wireless book reader called Kindle DX with a 9.7 screen. A very impressive hand held, thin computer, able to hold over 2.000 books. Sony Reader Tactile is also on the market. A simply beautiful product. Within days Apple is expected to launch it own version based on Ipod technology. Hewlett Packards reader is also anticipated within days.

These new Readers are expected to be a new and very exciting market place for new authors.

Electronic Readers has been launched without success eight years ago, but then they were clumsy, heavy and very restricted.

The amazing screen on these new Readers makes it easier to read, than from a normal white page and less tiresome for the eye. Even work in strong sunlight.

Now, in 2010 its all different and maybe time has come for changing the way we read books, documents, magazines and even newspapers.



In the course of our journey to find out where we came from, there has been many theories most of them backed by scientific explanation and proofs. Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Geologists, Paleontologists, and Historians all have given us theories after theories and all with some amount of scientific data and evidences. In spite of all their efforts there are many archaeological, anthropological, geological, finds and evidences that defies straight logic and defies the present scientific status on the origin of civilization. To me one of the most intriguing evidence of the origin of civilization is the Vedic scriptures. The scriptures are a store house of knowledge and evidences of the origin of civilization which when analyzed and studied will push the date of the origin of intelligent human civilization much later than what we currently know and what we are currently taught and made to belief. In fact now a day studies are being conducted in this area and scientists, historians, linguists, anthropologists are now looking at the Vedas in a different light. Writers like Dr David Frawley, Graham Hancock, Dr Michael Cremo, Zacharia sitchin , Dr B.G.Sidharth, Dr.Sidharth Kak have done extensive studies of the Vedic scriptures and because of them, today the perception towards the scriptures all over the world seems to be changing.

In most examinations of lost civilizations, there has been a surprising tendency to leave India out of the picture. While the wonders of Egypt or Sumeria are often discussed, the equally great wonders of ancient India are seldom mentioned. This is strange because India is the main country that has preserved our ancient human heritage, both materially and spiritually. For example, in India today one can observe the same type of temple worship still being practiced like that which once occurred in ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Greece or Mexico, along with the same emphasis on the spiritual and the sacred as the focus of life. India has extensive archaeological remains that are among the largest and oldest in the world. Harappan India or India of the so-called 'Indus Valley Civilization' was the largest urban civilization in the world of its times in the third millennium BC (3100-1900 BCE), with major sites extending from the Ganges river in the east to Afghanistan in the west, from the border of Iran to near Bombay. However, India's role in ancient civilization has been largely ignored in favor of more culturally comfortable, though geographically much smaller cultures in the Near East, in spite of the fact that such ancient cultures frequently lauded the greatness of India themselves. How many of us know that the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia would fit easily into Harappan India with much room to spare, so much larger was the Indian civilization. There has been an even greater ignoring of the Vedic literature of India, which is by far the largest that has been preserved from the ancient world. The many thousands of pages of this poetic literature dwarf all that the rest of the world has managed to save from such early eras. Yet instead of putting Vedic literature on par with the Pyramids of Egypt in terms of civilizational achievements, scholars reduce the Vedas to the rantings of illiterate nomads from Central Asia, who by all accounts should have left no literature anyway. The spiritual wisdom of the Vedic mantras, shlokas, and the story telling in the form of quatrants, is ignored according to a view that the Vedas are only a nature poetry of barbarian invaders. This is in spite of the fact that the Vedas were the foundation for the great yogic and mystical traditions of Asia through Hindu and Buddhist traditions and the whole science of Yoga, which frequently refer to them. Not only has Vedic literature been ignored, there has been an additional effort to keep the Vedic literature separate from the great archaeological remains in the country of the various Harappan sites. We are told that the great urban civilization of ancient India and the great Vedic literature that India preserved as its ancient heritage are not connected to each other at all. We are left with 'a civilization without a literature' and a 'literature without a civilization', though both a great literature and a great civilization came from ancient India and often use the same symbols. This is in evidence in the many Vedic images found in Harappan sites and on Harappan seals like the Brahma bull, figures in yoga postures, Shiva-like Gods, fire altars and swastikas. Here the new geology and marine archaeology has ruled in favor of the ancients. Vedic literature describes its homeland on a long lost river called the Sarasvati, which according to Vedic descriptions flowed east of the Indus from the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea. Modern satellite photography has clearly indicated the existence of this great river, as have numerous geological and ground water studies conducted over the last few decades, which show that the Sarasvati was once over ten kilometers in width and flowed from the mountains to the sea, dwarfing the nearby Indus. As the Vedas say, the Sarasvati was the largest river of the region at the time. It was the center of a great civilization and the vast majority of ancient Indian and Harappan ruins have been found on the now dried banks of the Sarasvati.

In my earlier articles I have made an effort to bring to my readers this vastness of the Vedic scriptures and the scientific nature of the scriptures. I have made an effort to let my readers know that the Vedic civilization is by no means a civilization of the natives as projected by the West, but a civilization which was very advanced, scientific, and very prolific. This civilization was in fact the progenitor of many civilizations in the world. AND the Vedic civilization was probably the oldest civilization and the only civilization that evolved after the last glaciations some 15000 years ago. It gave rise to many other civilization in the world but in the Indian subcontinent ( I am not talking of any political boundary here ) this civilization has been a continuous phenomenon till date.

Writing this article I must write about Bal Gangadhar Tilak who was also known as Lokmanya Tilak. It was his work on the Vedic civilization that sparked lot of anger among the then British Government . Bal Gangadhar Tilak, was an Indian nationalist, social reformer and freedom fighter who was the first popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement. Tilak sparked the fire for complete independence in Indian consciousness, and is considered the father of Hindu nationalism as well. Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it! This famous quote of his is very popular and well-remembered in India even today.

Reverently addressed as Lokmanya (meaning "Beloved of the people" or "Revered by the world"), Tilak was a scholar of Indian history, Sanskrit, Hinduism, mathematics and astronomy. He was born on July 23, 1856, in a village near Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, into a middle class Chitpavan Brahmin family. Tilak was an avid student with a special aptitude for mathematics. He was among India's first generation of youth to receive a modern, college education. Tilak authored the well-regarded The Orion, or, Researches into the antiquities of the Vedas (1893) in which he used astronomy to establish that the Vedic people were present in India at least as early as the 4th millennium BC. Later, in 1903, he wrote the much more speculative Arctic Home in the Vedas. In it he argued that the Vedas could only have been composed in the Arctics, and the Aryan bards brought them south after the onset of the last Ice age. The rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedas, if was composed in the arctic region then it means that there was a civilization which was present in such a distant past and post the last glaciations could this very civilization moved to all possible part of the world where it felt it could be safe from the impending disastrous effects of the glaciations. Then would it be right enough to presume that the Vedic civilization, as we know it today, is the logical conclusion of a much older, much scientific, much well organized civilization? A civilization which is not present now, a civilization that exists only in the legends?

His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the fourth century BC or earlier.

The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how Piri Reis managed to draw such an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC. The official science has been saying all along that the ice-cap which covers the Antarctic is million years old.
The Piri Reis map shows that the northern part of that continent has been mapped before the ice did cover it. That should make think it has been mapped million years ago, but that's impossible since mankind did not exist at that time.
Further and more accurate studies have proven that the last period of ice-free condition in the Antarctic ended about 6000 years ago. There are still doubts about the beginning of this ice-free period, which has been put by different researchers everything between year 13000 and 9000 BC.
The question is: Who mapped the Queen Maud Land of Antarctic 6000 years ago? Which unknown civilization had the technology or the need to do that?

It is well-known that the first civilization, according to the traditional history, developed in the mid-east around year 3000 BC, soon to be followed within a millennium by the Indus valley and the Chinese ones. So, accordingly, none of the known civilizations could have done such a job. Who was here 4000 years BC, being able to do things that NOW are possible with the modern technologies? Therefore When Tilak said about a civilization post last glaciations and the location being the Arctic he was not just making a conjecture but he had definitive evidence which he certainly found in the Vedic scriptures. For example, the sacred book Rig-Veda contains a story of a great civilization that existed 18 million years ago on the continent Oryana. The location of the continent could be easily identifiable with the help of Hindu sacred writings. According to them, the city of Arka, a capital of the united empire, was situated beneath the Polar Star i.e. on the territory of the present-day Arctic. Could the name Oryana compel Tilak to name his research The Orion

Over 11,000 years ago there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean(?) populated by a noble and powerful race. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into Europe and Africa. This was the island of Atlantis.

Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island was divided among the brothers with the eldest, Atlas, first King of Atlantis, being given control over the central hill and surrounding areas. Plato was a student of Socrates until the latter's death in 399 BC at the hands of the Athenian authorities. After his teacher's death, Plato traveled extensively, including journeys in Egypt.

In 387 BC he returned to Athens and founded the Academy, a school of science and philosophy that became the model for the modern university. Perhaps the most famous student of the Academy was Aristotle whose teachings have had tremendous impact on philosophy through today. Due to the Academy's safekeeping, many of Plato's works have survived. His extant writings are in the form of letters and dialogues, the most famous of which is probably The Republic. His writings cover subjects ranging from knowledge to happiness to politics to nature. Two of his dialogues, Timeaus and Critias, hold the only known original references to the island of Atlantis.

In the world these are the only two epics Timeaus and Critias wherein there is a mention of such a civilization. THE ATLANTIS CIVILIZATION. The epics goes on to describe the structure or the city plan of the Atlantis and the daily lives of the Atlanteans. At the top of the central hill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and pay tribute to Poseidon. To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was cut through of the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles (~9 km) to the sea. The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles (1.7 km). This was a densely populated area where the majority of the population lived. Beyond the city lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long and 110 miles (190 km) wide surrounded by another canal used to collect water from the rivers and streams of the mountains. The climate was such that two harvests were possible each year. One in the winter fed by the rains and one in the summer fed by irrigation from the canal.

Surrounding the plain to the north were mountains which soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and meadows dotted the mountains. Besides the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island. For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment.

Soon, in one violent surge it was gone. The island of Atlantis, its people, and its memory were swallowed by the sea.

Geologists, both mainstream and alternative, agree that the evidence is overwhelming that there was a massive global catastrophe in around 10,000 BC that ended the last Ice Age and altered the face of the planet in almost every way. For the people alive at that time it must have been an experience we can't imagine. The sea levels rising 300 feet in a week, submerging all beaches and coastal lands, torrential rainstorms measuring in feet instead of inches, worldwide hurricanes, supervolcanic eruptions turning the sky black and blotting out the sun for months. A waterfall as wide as the Bosphorous Strait filling up the Black Sea like a bathtub. The human survivors of this cataclysm would never ever have forgotten it and would most certainly have told their children and grandchildren about it; and those subsequent generations would have passed on the story to their own descendants. This memory endured to the present day to become these folk-legends of the Great Flood etc. However, conventional studies of prehistory say that 12,000 years ago humans existed in small groups; the Neolithic Age had only just begun and most people still lived in nomadic hunter-gatherer cultures. There were no cities, no nation-states like Atlantis is said to be and only a handful of settled towns numbering no more than a few hundred people. Many Mavericks have claimed that the myths describing a sophisticated prehistoric civilization are in fact real and the conventional scientists have got it wrong. However this alternative, minority view lacked hard evidence until recently.

Plato concedes that he learnt the legend of Atlantis from Solon who, in turn, got it from the Egyptians. But those, in their turn, learnt it from the Hindus of Punt (Indonesia). Punt was the Ancestral Land (To-wer), the Island of Fire whence the Egyptians originally came, in the dawn of times, expelled by the cataclysm that razed their land. From there also came the Aryans, the Hebrews and Phoenicians, as well as the other nations that founded the magnificent civilizations of olden times. Here we see the first glimpse of the Vedic connection. Could Rig Veda the oldest of the Vedas have any mention of this civilization? Many cultures from all over the Pacific make reference to this land. Here are just a few: The legends of Easter Island speak of Hiva, which sank beneath the waves as people fled, while one Samoan legend calls a similar place Poluto. The Maoris of New Zealand still talk about arriving long ago from a sinking island called Hawaiki, a vast and mountainous place on the other side of the water. The myths and traditions of India abound with references. The Rig Veda speaks of "the three continents that were"; the third was home to a race called the Danavas. A land called Rutas was an immense continent far to the east of India and home to a race of sun-worshippers. But Rutas was torn asunder by a volcanic upheaval and sent to the ocean depths. Fragments remained as Indonesia and the Pacific islands, and a few survivors reached India, where they became the elite Brahman caste. Hopi Legend - On the bottom of the seas lie all the proud cities, the flying patuwvotas [shields] and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil. Faced with disaster, some people hid inside the earth while others escaped by crossing the ocean on reed rafts, using the islands as stepping-stones. The same story of escape to dry land appears in the Popol Vuh - the Mayan story of creation. Augustus Le Plongeon, (1826-1908) a 19th century researcher and writer who conducted investigations of the Maya ruins in the Yucatan announced that he had translated ancient Mayan writings, which allegedly showed that the Maya of Yucatan were older than the later civilizations of Atlantis and Egypt, and additionally told the story of an even older continent of Mu, whose survivors founded the Maya civilization. Later students of the Ancient Maya writings argue that Le Plongeon's "translations" were based on little more than his vivid imagination. Stay tuned as I will be uploading more documentaries from this anime.

The Hindus have many traditions of a paradisial region where mankind and civilization first originated. One such plase was Tripura, "the Triple City". with metallic walls and golden palaces. The inhabitants of Tripura were originally extremely pious, but with the passage of time, they became evil and perverse, and were destroyed by Shiva. It is because of this feat that Shiva got the epithet of Tripurantaka ("Destroyer of Tripura"). Tripura was built upon a mountain so lofty, that it was said to reside in the skies. Another Hindu legend on a lost empire concerns Lanka,and is told in detail in the Ramayana. The saga of the destruction of Lanka by Rama and Hanumant was of which Homer's Illiad was based. Just as the Ramayana tells the story of Lanka and the rescue of Shita (the wife of Rama) who was taken by the evil Ravana. The Illiad recounts the destruction of Troy and the rescue of Helen who was taken by Paris.

The Mahabharata relates the fall of Krishna's mighty empire during the great war between the Lunars and the Solars (the Kurus and Pandus). Hastinapura, the capital of the Pandu empire, was the "City of the Pillars" (Hastina-pura) - or the "City of the Nagas". The Mahabharata also tells of Dvaraka, the capital of Krishna, located on an island in the middle of the seas. Krishna's capital, Dvaraka, sunk under the the sea and their divine hero died in the Great War.

Dravidian traditions speak of a vast sunken land known as "Rutas" that was located towards the south-east of India. The Dravidas claim to have moved to India from that land before it sunk under the sea, during a a great catacylsm. The name Rutas is a reflection of the Sanskrit word " radix rudh" which means "red" and Dravidian word "ruta:" which means 'to be red' , 'to burn'. These etyms evoke the "Island of Fire" and may elude to the "Land of the Reds" ( one of the many mystical names of Atlantis) The Dravidas claimed to have been Kshatryias ("Warriors"), an Indian caste whose heraldic colour is red.

The myth of the Celestial Jerusalem, told in the Book of Revelation, stems directly from the Hindu traditions of Lanka, the "Queen of the Waves". Lanka, whose history is told in the Ramayana, was the actual archetype of Plato's Atlantis, as well as Homer's Troy. Lanka was built upon a lofty mountain (Mt. Trikuta = Mt. Atlas or Meru), and was said "to fly in the air, scratching the belly of heaven". Hindu myths also tell how Lanka, with "its towers and walls of stone clad with metal" was pulled out of the summit of the Holy Mountain (Meru) by the North Wind (Vayu) and thrown into the seas, where it drowned with all its vast population. Interestingly enough, the same myth, with Atlas (i. e., Atlantis) substituting for Lanka, is also encountered in Greece. Atlas, often identified with Hesperus, the Evening Star, was thrown into the ocean by Boreas, the North Wind who is the Greek counterpart of Vayu. There Atlas drowned, and was to be found no more, just as happened with Lanka and, indeed, with Atlantis.

The New Jerusalem is Atlantis, reborn from its cinders, as a sort of Phoenix, the bird that personifies Paradise in Greek myths. These myths were indeed copied from Egypt who, in turn, cribbed them from India. India and, more exactly, Indonesia, is the true land of the Phoenix, as is relatively easy to show, since it is from there that comes the name of the Benu bird of the Egyptians and that of the Phoenix of the Greeks.

This mystic bird was called Vena in the Rig Veda. So, if the Phoenix indeed symbolizes Atlantis-Paradise resurging from its own cinders, as we believe it does, there can be little doubt that the legend is originally Vedic, and originated in the Indies. The name means nothing that makes sense in either Egyptian or Greek. But in the holy tongues of India it means the idea of Eros (Love) and, more exactly, the Sun of Justice that symbolizes Atlantis rising from the waters of the primordial abyss. This myth forms the essence of the one of the Celestial Jerusalem, as well as, say, those of the Orphic Cosmogonies, those of the Egyptians, and those of most other ancient nations.

Other Hindu legends tell of Agartha (or Shambhalla), the subterranean realm of the King of the World. According to this tradition, it is from Shambhalla that will surge Kalkin, (The King of the World) for the final battle of the end of times. Kalkin will lead his hosts, the Sons of Light, to victory against the Sons of Darkness. The myth of Shambhalla is the archetype from which were copied the similar ones of the Essenes and of the Christians. The Celestial Jerusalem from St. John's Revelation, the myth of Kalkin prefigures the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Many experts have correlated the traditions of Agartha and Shambhalla with those of Atlantis and the Celestial Jerusalem. In fact, Atlantis too will resurge in the end of times in precisely the same manner as the Celestial Jerusalem.

It is significant to note that, according to geo physical research based on the movement of the continental plates, the Lanka of Ravana was situated in the continent of Lemuria, also known as Kumari Kandam, which was a land mass, connecting the Deccan plateau in South India and the island of Ceylon, with intervening straits to be crossed, with Madagascar in the West, Australia on the East and Antarctica on the South, until it sank into the Indian ocean in stages over 3,500 years ago, as mentioned in the writings of the German geologist Wagner anti the eminent Indologist Sir T.W. Holderness.

The research done by Fr. Heras and Sir John Marshall the archaeologist and other scholars into the archaeological finds at Mohenjodaro and Harappa point to the existence of an earlier highly developed Dravidian civilization in the deep South which, had influenced the Indus-Valley Aryan civilization of the North.

The available historical evidence referring to the Dravidian civilization commences with the records that have come down to us of the Tamil literary writings during the past 12,000 years, which have been divided by historians into three periods, called the First Sangam period from 9600 BC to 5200 BC, spanning the Satya and Treta yugas, the Second Sangam period from 5200 BC to 1500 BC spanning the Treta and Dwapara yugas, and the Third Sangam period from 1500 BC to 600 AD spanning the Dwapara and Kali yugas. According to the present cycle of four yugas, namely Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali yugas, in their descending arc of 12,000 years and ascending arc of another 12,000 years, as stated by Sri Yukteswar in his famous treatis called Holy Science, we are now in the ascending arc of Dwapara yuga completed the Kali yuga period lasting from 600 BC to 1800 AD. The Mahabharata war, where Lord Krishna propagated the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, is reckoned to have taken place during the Second Sangam period about the year 3100 BC. The First Sangam, which was founded and nurtured by Siddha Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 4,400 years and had its centre in the city of Dakshina Madura in the continent of Lemuria.

The Second Sangam, which was also established under the patronage of Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 3,700 years and had its centre in the city of Kavatapuram in the continent of Lemuria, after the records in the city of Dakshina Madura had gone under water. The Third Sangam, also sponsored by Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 1,800 years and had its centre at Uttara Madura, namely the modern city of Madurai, which lays north of the earlier centres, after the whole of the Lemurian continent had gone under water.

After the commencement of the gradual inundation of the Lemurian continent, it is reported that Sri Agastiyar led a migration of Dravidians to Java and Cambodia and Central and South America. The legends of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs of South America regarding the founding of their cultures by tall beared white-robed teachers confirm the tradititional view that the Lemurians, under the guidance of their siddhas, colonized North and South America, as well as the Nile Valley, when they founded the Egyptian civilization.

It is significant to note that Edgar Cayce the well-known sleeping prophet of America, had in the course of his recent voluminous psychic messages given out by him while in a state of trance mentioned a similar sinking of the continent of Atlantis in stages into the Atlantic Ocean over a period of several centuries between 12,000 BC and 10,000 BC, before the sinking of the Lemurian continent.

Accoding to Prof:Arysio Santos in his book "Atlantis- The Lost Continent Finally Found"

The Greeks copied their legends on Atlas and Atlantis from the Hindu ones on Atalas (Shiva) and on Atala, the sunken paradise of the Hindus. As in the Greek traditions, Atalas - whose name is Sanskrit and means "Pillar" - was deemed to be the "Pillar of the World", just as was Atlas in Greece. Atala was, like Atlantis, a sunken continent destroyed by a fiery cataclysm, and which lay in the Outer Ocean. Since the Greek legend is of Hindu origin and was simply transferred to their western region when the Greeks moved to their present whereabouts, it is idle to quest for Atlantis in the ocean nowadays called Atlantic. Instead, we must seek Atlantis in the ocean which the Hindus called "Ocean of the Atlanteans" or "Western Ocean", and which is none other than the Indian Ocean.

The Hindus have many traditions on a sunken continent that was the paradisial region where mankind and civilization first originated. One such was Tripura, "the Triple City". When we recall the fact that Atlantis was, like Tripura, a triple city with metallic walls and golden palaces, we cannot but conclude that the two traditions, if indeed based on actual fact, refer to the one and same thing. Moreover, as happened with Atlantis, the inhabitants of Tripura were originally extremely pious. But, with the passage of time, they also became evil and perverse, and were destroyed by Shiva. It is because of this feat that Shiva got the epithet of Tripurantaka ("Destroyer of Tripura"). As with Lanka (see below) and Atlantis, Tripura was built upon a mountain so lofty, that it was said to reside in the skies.

Another Hindu legend on a sunken empire that was the archetype of Atlantis concerns Lanka, and is told in detail in the Ramayana. The saga of the destruction of Lanka by Rama and Hanumant was the original on which Homer's Illiad was based. Just as the Ramayana tells the story of Lanka and the rescue of Shita, the spouse of Rama kidnapped by the evil Ravana, the Illiad recounts the destruction of Troy and the rescue of the fickle Helen, kidnapped by Paris. Troy, with its bronzy walls and golden palaces was just one of the many allegories of Atlantis. In contrast to the small village discovered by Schliemann in Turkey, the true Troy lay in the Outer Ocean. It was a magnificent capital and sank into the ocean after its destruction and incending in the great war with the "Greeks" of an earlier age. The parallels between Troy and Atlantis are too many to be discarded. And those between Plato's Atlantis and the Lanka of the Hindus show, in an unequivocal manner, that it is in the Far Orient and the underseas, and not in the Mediterranean region, that we must quest for the real Troy and the real Atlantis.

The Mahabharata, the other great Hindu classical saga that completes the Ramayana, tells of the mighty empire of Krishna and its destruction in the great war between the Lunars and the Solars (the Kurus and Pandus). This great war is, like the one of Lanka or that of Troy, the true archetype on which Plato based his history of Atlantis. Hastinapura, the capital of the Pandu empire, was the "City of the Pillars" (Hastina-pura) or, yet, the "City of the Nagas". These two are epithets associated with the Atlanteans and with the Pillar of Heaven in the Far East. The Mahabharata also tells of Dvaraka, the capital of Krishna, located in an island in the middle of the seas. Krishna's capital, Dvaraka, sunk underseas when the divine hero died in the great war, more or less in the way Atlantis went under, according to Plato.

Dravidian traditions speak of a vast sunken continent towards the south-east of India called Rutas. The Dravidas claim to have moved to India from that continent when it sunk away underseas, in a great cataclysm. The name of Rutas apparently relates to the Sanskrit radix rudh ("red"), and the Dravidian ruta ("to be red", "to burn"). These etyms evoke the "Island of Fire" and may be an allusion to the fabulous "Land of the Reds" that was one of the many mystic names of Atlantis in the ancient traditions. Indeed, the Dravidas claimed to have been Kshatryias ("Warriors"), an Indian caste whose heraldic colour is the red one.

The Phoenicians - whose name also means "reds" in Greek - claimed, like the Dravidas, to have come from an "Island of Fire" located beyond the Indian Ocean (or Erythraean) overseas. That means the Indies, indeed located in this "Ocean of the Reds" (Erythraean). Hence, the Phoenician homeland seems to be originally the same as the Rutas (or "Island of Fire") of the Dravidas. The Egyptians too called themselves "Reds" (Rot or Khem, in their tongue). And they also claimed to have come from this "Island of Fire" in the Indian (or Erythraean) overseas. Would all the traditions of these virtuous nations be lying? Or is it that we interpret their myths erroneously?

The myth of the Celestial Jerusalem, told in the Book of Revelation, stems directly from the Hindu traditions on Lanka, the "Queen of the Waves". Lanka, whose history is told in the Ramayana, was the actual archetype of Plato's Atlantis, as well as Homer's Troy. Lanka was built upon a lofty mountain (Mt. Trikuta = Mt. Atlas or Meru), and was said "to fly in the air, scratching the belly of heaven". Hindu myths also tell how Lanka, with "its towers and walls of stone clad with metal" was pulled out of the summit of the Holy Mountain (Meru) by the North Wind (Vayu) and thrown into the seas, where it drowned with all its vast population. Interestingly enough, the same myth, with Atlas (i. e., Atlantis) substituting for Lanka, is also encountered in Greece. Atlas, often identified with Hesperus, the Evening Star, was thrown into the ocean by Boreas, the North Wind who is the Greek counterpart of Vayu. There Atlas drowned, and was to be found no more, just as happened with Lanka and, indeed, with Atlantis.

Other Hindu legends tell of Agartha (or Shambhalla), the subterranean realm of the King of the World. According to this tradition, it is from Shambhalla that is to surge Kalkin, ("the White Knight") for the final battle of the end of times. Kalkin, the White Knight, is to lead his hosts, the Sons of Light, to victory against the Sons of Darkness. The myth of Shambhalla is the archetype from which were copied the similar ones of the Essenes and of the Christians. Again, as with the Celestial Jerusalem of St. John's Revelation, the myth of Kalkin prefigures the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Many experts have correlated the traditions of Agartha and Shambhalla with those of Atlantis and the Celestial Jerusalem. In fact, Atlantis too will resurge in the end of times (now?) in precisely the same manner prescribed for the Celestial Jerusalem of the Book of Revelation. Then, will the Golden Age be restored to the world, for Atlantis is truly the Paradise Lost we all have been expecting for so long.

Celtic traditions often speak of an "Island of the Lions". This mysterious island appears in Hindu traditions as Saka-dvipa or Simhala-dvipa ("Island of the Lions", in Sanskrit). This "Island of the Lions" also figures in many other different traditions. In Celtic traditions, the Island of the Lions also called Avalon. The name of Avalon has been interpreted both as "Land of the Apple Trees" and as "Island of the Lions" (Ava-lon). This paradisial island is also called Lyonesse (Lyon-ys or "Island of the Lions") or Llyn Llion ("Lake Lion"), the lake which reputedly overwhelmed the whole world with its waters when it overflowed, causing the Flood.

The "Island of the Lions" just mentioned (see above item) is no other than the Simhala-dvipa (or Serendip) of the Hindus. Serendip is indeed the "Island of the Seres" (Seren-dip), which is the same as Taprobane (Sumatra). The Seres are "the people of the silk" (serica = "silk", in Latin). They are described as a blond, blue-eyed, tall people by Pliny, Solinus and others. As we just said, Serendip is the same as Taprobane or Sumatra, and should not be confused with Shri Lanka (Ceylon), its Indian counterpart. The word "lion", in India, is synonymous with "hero" (gandha or simha in Skt., singa in Dravida, etc.), so that the name of Simhala-dvipa indeed means "Island of the Heroes". And these "Heroes" of old are no other than those of Atlantis, destroyed in the Flood, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis (ch. 6).

It is from the primordial Lemurian Atlantis that derive all our myths and religious traditions, the very ones that allowed the ascent of Man above the beasts of the field. From Atlantis derive all our science and our technology: agriculture, cattle herding, the alphabet, metallurgy, astronomy, music, religion, and so forth. These inventions are so clever and so advanced that they seem as natural as the air we breath and the gods we worship. But they are all incredibly advanced inventions that came to us from the dawn of times, from the twin Atlantises we utterly forgot.

It is in India and in Indonesia, that, even today, we find the secret of Atlantis and Lemuria hidden behind the thick veil of their myths and allegories. The crucial events are disguised inside the Hindu and Buddhic religious traditions, or told as charming sagas like those of the Ramayana and the Mahaharata. The error that led the ancients, along with the modern researchers, into believing that Atlantis lay in the Atlantic Ocean is easy to understand now that we know the true whereabouts of the sunken continent. When humanity moved from Indonesia into the regions of Europe and the Near East, the "Occidental Ocean" of the Hindus became the Oriental Ocean, for it then lay towards the east.

The (Hindu) myths that told of Atlantis sinking in the Occidental Ocean became interpreted as referring to the Atlantic Ocean, western in regards to Europe, their new residence. The Hindus called the sunken continent by the name of Atala (or Atalas) a name uncannily similar to that of Atlas and of Atlantis (by the appending of the suffix tis or tiv = "mountain", "island", in Dravida, and pronounced "tiw"). It is from this base that names such as that of the mysterious Keftiu of the Egyptians, the "Islands in the Middle of the Ocean (the "Great Green")" ultimately came (Keftiu = Kap-tiv = "capital island" or "Skull Island" = "Calvary" in Dravida, the pristine language of Indonesia). But this is a long story which we tell elsewhere, presenting the detailed evidence for this uncanny allegation of ours.

Atlantis was a continent of the Atlantic Ocean where, according to Plato, and advanced civilization developed some 11,600 years ago. Plato affirms that, as the result of a huge volcanic cataclysm of worldwide extent, this continent sunk away underseas, disappearing forever. Official Science - the one you learn at school - rejects the actual existence of Atlantis, as it has so far been unable to find any traces of its reality. But the reason for that is simple to explain. Everybody has been looking in the wrong locations, as Atlantis indeed lies in the opposite side of the world.

Lemuria, on the other hand, is an even older version of Atlantis. Lemuria is indeed the same as the Garden of Eden and other such Paradises that in fact existed and were the actual birthplace of Mankind and Civilization, precisely as the Bible and other Holy Books affirm. From there, civilization spread to Atlantis and other parts of the world, in the dawn of times, some 20 or 30 thousand years ago, during the Ice Age.

In the vedic literature which are divided into the Rig-Veda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharveda. The Rig Veda being the oldest. Although these scripture are said to have been divinely revealed in India and to have taken place there, author Professor Arysio Nunes dos Santos thinks that they actually refer to Atlantis, which according to his theory was located where the South China Sea is and Indonesia. This would have made ancient India the nearest outpost of the Atlantean civilisation.

The Indonesian Islands and the Malay Peninsula that we nowadays observe are the unsunken relicts of Lemurian Atlantis, the lofty volcanic mountains that became the volcanic islands of this region, the true site of Paradise in all ancient traditions. The sunken portion of continental extension now forms the muddy, shallow bottoms of the South China Sea. It is encircled by Indonesia and forms the boundary of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.

The greatest of all Lemurian colonies was Atlantis, founded in India, already during the heydays of Lemuria, and which, in time, reached the apex of human grandeur. Atlantis and Lemuria had prospered for a full zodiacal era (2,160 years), when the great cataclysm destroyed their common world, at the end of the Pleistocene, some 11,600 years ago. The scant survivors of the cataclysm that sunk Lemuria away were forced to flee their destroyed Paradise, moving first to India, the site of Atlantis, which had been spared in its northern, loftier portion. But the global catastrophe had also caused the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, and the melting of the Himalayan glaciers caused huge floods of the rivers of Asia, rendering the region unfit for human habitation. These floods ravaged this remainder of Atlantis, already greatly destroyed by the original cataclysm, the giant conflagration of the Indonesian volcanoes and the huge tsunamis they caused, as well as by the plague that ravaged their country in their wake.

Again, this doomed people was obliged to flee, emigrating, along the ensuing millennia, to remote places such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, North Africa, Europe, North Asia, the Near Orient and even Oceania and the Americas. Some came on foot, in huge hordes like those of the Israelite exodus. Others came by ship, like Noah in his Ark or Aeneas with his fleet, to found the great civilizations of the ancient world.

The great civilizations that we know of, in the Indus Valley, in Egypt, in Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Mexico and even the Americas were all Atlantean colonies founded by the survivors of the cataclysm that destroyed the twin Paradises of Atlantis and Lemuria. These colonists, of course, attempted to recreate their Eden in their new homeland.

The newcomers named each topographical feature after the archetypes of the pristine abode just as immigrants will do the same nowadays. Such is the reason why we keep finding vestiges of Atlantis everywhere, from Brazil and North America to Spain, Crete, and even Africa and North Europe. All these ancient civilizations spoke of Civilizing Heroes such as Manu, Noah, Aeneas, the Oanns, Hotu Matua, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Bochica and, of course, Atlas and Hercules, the omnipresent Twins that founded civilizations everywhere.

Prof. Santos, who was trained in academic science and was a professor of nuclear physics in Brazil, told me he had originally started his research into Atlantis as a sceptic and unbeliever but having researched throughly into world religions, occult traditions, geology and word derivations he had become convinced it was very very real indeed. It became a mission of his to get the knowledge that Atlantis was real out to this crazy world. He had a completely new theory - that Atlantis could not be found because everyone had been looking in the wrong place and that Plato's work on the subject had been misunderstood. Arysio believed that the true location of Atlantis was in the area of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. The Indonesian islands are all that is left of it. He also felt that India was one of its nearest and many colonies and that the holy books known as the Vedas and the Hindu religion are based on and in Atlantis. The professor also believed that many other religious ceremonies such as baptism were memories of Atlantis and how it perished under the seas.

Arysio thought that that Guanche language was derived from Dravidian and set out a very good case proving this by comparing Dravidian words with those of the Guanche - many are nearly identical. He had also written on The Mysterious Origin of the Guanches. He believed that the "Golden Age" and the Garden of Eden and "Paradise" were all memories of Atlantis as it once was and that after its destruction the survivors had to begin again and had lost all their technological advances and were reduced to a very primitive way of living.

His idea was that Atlantis was destroyed following a cataclysmic volcanic eruption and tsunami that shook the entire world. He also feels that it might have been triggered deliberately in nuclear war by these ancient people who lived on Atlantis and he was praying this was not going to be the fate of the world again.

In conclusion I can only say that here is another example of the antiquity of the Vedic Civilization. Platos fabled city of Atlantis though is a Myth it is a probable fact as all myths are distortion of some facts which takes place in the distant past and it stays in the memory of the population passed on from generation to generation verbally. Thus becoming a Myth or a Legend. Corroborated with the various evidences and studies it is a fair conclusion that Vedic Civilization could be that remnants of the Atlantis Civilization.